Our esteemed strategic partner, Tomorrow's Women, was featured on NBC this week in a powerful report by veteran NBC producer Lauren Ina, who captured their transformative three-week young leader camp this summer. Ina interviewed staff and young women from Palestine and Israel about their experiences as emerging peace and social justice activists.
As we've shared previously, Tomorrow's Women is a dynamic organization dedicated to uniting young Israeli and Palestinian women through peace camps and leadership training. The Compassionate Listening Project will continue certifying their facilitators in 2024, and our curriculum has now become an integral part of the training for these talented young women.
The impact of Tomorrow's Women has been evident not only within the training sessions but also in the broader communities these young women come from. As they return to their homes, schools, and neighborhoods, they bring with them the seeds of understanding and reconciliation. They become ambassadors of peace, challenging preconceived notions and stereotypes, and fostering transformation and possibility.
In this weeks newsletter announcing the special report on NBC, Tomorrow's Women invited community participation in two upcoming Compassionate Listening workshops led by one of our senior facilitators, Glenn Dickter, who has been involved with Tomorrow's Women for many years. They wrote, "Ever wonder how young women peacemakers are able to reconcile their deep-seated differences and grow to a place of understanding and connection? You now have a chance to learn this highly effective communication style and apply the tools to meaningful and challenging relationships in your own life."
But the journey towards peace is far from over, and Tomorrow's Women remains committed to its mission. They understand that the road to lasting peace is long and challenging, but by investing in the potential of these young women, they are sowing the seeds of peace.
We invite you to join us in celebrating the incredible progress made by Tomorrow's Women and the young Israeli and Palestinian women they empower. In 2024, one of our goals is to continue building strategic partnerships, to support the efficacy of conflict transformation and peace-building organizations like Tomorrow's Women.